HS&E - Health, Safety e Environment


Health is one of the most important items for Nit Sea Co. Attained to this priority, the corporation handles several procedures in order to grant and assure the crew on board, and their relatives general welfare during the offshore period. The employees are submitted to a set of periodical exams and receive specific training for emergency situations at sea. On board of the vessels, the daily menu is strictly monitored by a Nutriotionist, as well as the whole crew attends instructions which point out HS&E concepts and good nutrition habits to them. Nit Sea aims to get acquainted to each employee's individual characteristics, so that the period at sea flows with minimum of worriment or anxiety regarding his family on shore. The corporation goes much farther than the laws requirements and develops a steady support program to the employee's familiars, including psychologists support, physicians and therapists.


Safety We at Nit Sea consider Safety on board as the main focus. The crew officers are trained and qualified by Centro de Instrução Almirante Graça Aranha (CIAGA) or by Centro de Instrução Almirante Braz de Aguiar (CIABA) certification courses. After a five year course, they are tested and then graduated, which is equivalent to a college degree. These professionals are also trained by the equipment and technology supplier companies, while they are entering the corporation. Besides, the officers are exhaustively trained to perform planned maintenance on the equipment, whose state of working is constantly checked and monitored, with the aim of avoiding defaults and accidents. Once they are prepared to go on board, they receive specific instructions on how to proceed in the several kinds of situation, such as: Fire prevention, detection and fighting, oil transfer and loading, approach to drilling rigs, medical assistance and emergency, among other. Before going on board, the crew members are submitted to a set of medical and laboratorial exams. The vessel's restaurant offers a balanced and assorted menu, duly elaborated by a nutricionist.


It is Nit Sea's utmost concern the Enviromental Protection and Preservation, as the corporation assures that the environmental laws, applicable to its activities, is plentifully respected. Its employees are widely aware and familiar to the great importance of the environmental protection and preservation. Nit Sea holds and exerts a serious politics (and policies) of residues gathering and disposal, which are derived from its activities, for futher recycling. Its vessels utilize paints that do not cause damage to the maritime and coastal enviroment. The whole corporation only uses recycled paper or supplied by companies that produce paper from previously planted forests, free from elemental chloride. The compressing units on board use freezing gas ecologically correct.